Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mutt Mingle Recap

Bo and I were lucky enough to have spent time at the Mutt Mingle at Pussy & Pooch in downtown on last night and boy did we have fun!

The store was right on the corner of 6th & Main and was super cute!  This month's Mutt Mingle had (human) catering from Two Bits Market, some wine/beer, and lots of sample treats for the puppies from Pussy & Pooch's own fantastic Pawbar.

Obviously Bo enjoyed the Chicken feast!

All of the dogs were allowed off-leash in the store (on their best behavior of course!) during the mingle to allow for maximum playtime.  And it gave us parents two hands to enjoy the human food and drink!

Bennington, Diesel, and Bo enjoying some play time!

All-in-all, Pussy & Pooch's Mutt Mingle was a lot of fun for dogs and people alike. I was told that the store also hosts themed events so I will absolutely be keeping an eye on their website!  Besides fun events, the store also has a ton of great merchandise, food, a full-service (and self-service if you are feeling ambitious) bathhouse, and the delicious Pawbar.  Go check it out!

I will leave you with this... one of the cutest things in the store?  A PETaPOTTY, complete with a fire hydrant for all of the pups who had too much to drink at the mingle! :) 

Location: 564 South Main Street, Downtown

Monday, March 28, 2011

$20 Tuesdays at Bow Wow Bungalow!

Just got this email from Ol' Smokey at Bow Wow Bungalow:

"Bow Wow Bungalow will be celebrating 10 years in MAY. YES, you read right 10 years, boy how time flies when you are having a great time...

With that said I would like to celebrate my 10th year anniversary and what better way to start celebrating than by inviting all my friends to come play. In the month of April, Bow Wow Bungalow will be having '$20 Tuesdays'. The name says it all; daycare will be $20 every Tuesday in April."

WHAT A STEAL!  This place is so great... Bo will definitely be going for a $20 play-date in April!

Mutt Mingle @ Pussy & Pooch

Tomorrow night is the monthly Mutt Mingle social at Pussy & Pooch in downtown.  According to the website:

"Mark your calendars for the last Tuesday of the month... it's Mutt Mingle time! Join us for our monthly mixer and enjoy special treats, toasts, and plenty of in-store tail-wagging."

Work schedule allowing, Bo and I will be there!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


After about a year of constantly breaking toenails below the quick, Bo finally took a blood test so we could figure out if something internally was causing his abnormally brittle nails.  We got the test results last night and the vet said that his level of thyroid hormone is low, or hypothyroidism. :(

She said that we have to give him hormone supplements and a fatty diet (BACON!? not really. But a pup can dream, huh?) for 3 weeks and then test the blood again to see if the levels are normal.  If normal levels of thyroid hormone make his nails get better, then he will just have to take hormonal supplements daily. 

After that, if the nails don't get better, they may have to run tests for Symmetrical Lupoid Onychodystrophy (SLO), an autoimmune disease which causes severe claw problems.  This sounds much more serious and quite scary so let's root for Bo's thyroid and nails to get better in the next few weeks!

Any experience with either of these health issues?  Advice/expertise is welcome!

National Puppy Day!

Happy National Puppy Day everyone!  While I'm sure most of you celebrate the fact that you have a pup every day, take an extra minute to show your little doggie just how much you love them!  Looking for some ideas?  Then check out this list posted by  Got better ideas?  Feel free to comment below!

In honor of #8, here is a picture of my main man passed out after today's long play session with his mom and little fox toy:

(look at those chicken legs! eee!)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Events Calendar!

Just a quick post to let you know that I have added an events calendar page to Trail of Pawprints!

If you have any events to add, just send me an email and I will be happy to add them (and perhaps add a post to the blog to let everyone know!).

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Trail of Pawprints

I was walking down a street near where I work and noticed these little prints in the sidewalk. Some little pup decided to start a walk of fame in Burbank!