Sunday, June 5, 2011

Spot! Dog Rescue

We decided to check out the casting call for Rover at Spot! Dog Rescue in West Hollywood yesterday.  Before we even got into the shop, we were greeted by an adorable lemonade stand/bake sale to support the store's rescue pups.  After stuffing my face with a rice krispy treat and many glasses of lemonade, we went inside to find a very cute shop!

I filled out a card with all of my/Bo's info for the casting call and explored the store for a bit while we waited for our turn.  Not only is this place a pet shop, but it is a grooming salon, a doggy daycare center, and a rescue organization too!  Everyone there was very nice and obviously adored pups of all kinds! :) If you are a West Hollywood dweller, you and your dog absolutely HAVE to check this place out.  Or if you are looking to adopt a new friend, this place has has a bunch of adorable young puppies who need a good home!

On a side note, the meeting with the photographer, Andrew, went very well! Hopefully Bo and I will hear back from him... fingers crossed! :)

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